Monday, June 16, 2014

Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die

                                          One of the absolute truths on this earth is that everyone, everywhere dies. When the loss of someone you love hits you like a thunder storm in the night, you can look up and curse the sky that sent the rain; But it will still rain all the same. The lightning and thunder will put you on your knees, the feeling of pain seems to grow in each passing moment. When the pain of loss send you to your knees, something changes. When you are left face down in the mud and mire, You can hear a voice whisper, "I Love You, and I'm here to hold you through this." God says this to every living creature no matter how loud the storm and no matter how hard the rain. The writer of the psalms speaks this truth when he wrote, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18)

                                           I can still remember the sound the time clock made when it was time to go into the night;on my way to see my grandmother for the last time. When I arrived I went straight into the room  of my "nanny's" final moments. As soon as I closed the door behind me, she breathed her last breath of oxygen into her lungs. The loss of her didn't sink into my soul until days later when her grave was covered in dirt. I knew for the first time that it was the last I would see her on earth. This feeling of loss sunk into my heart like a razor sharp knife, cutting everything it touched. I wondered like David, "Is God Asleep?."(Psalm 44:23)

                                          Everyone mourns in different ways. Some get angry, and some slip into a darkness where they feel no light can penetrate. What we fail to realize is that the point in the night that is most dark is just before the sun breaks the darkness. Getting to our knees in our brokenness will bring comfort in our lowest point. God hasn't fell asleep at all, he is waiting to hold your heart and comfort the storm inside you. In this time of need there will without a doubt forces that cause you to question God's will and sovereignty. God knew you before your birth, and knows the exact day you will come home. God's will and plan is beyond our comprehension but perfect nonetheless.        

                                               When we lose someone it reminds us that our picture of forever is frail at best.  We want people, places and moments to last forever. In death we're reminded how everything is fleeting in this life and every moment counts. The reason we're here on earth in the first place is to love and serve. So I propose that in times of loss we look not up but in the middle of heaven and earth and love the people that need love the most. I want to close with a simple, and powerful quote from a tv series I have grown fond of. The quote sums up what God put us here for and makes a statement of the way we should treat everyone. Everyone will die, but its these times that remind us to never take one single interaction for granted. "Kindness is Magic." -Derek Noakes.

P.S. Thank you Ricky Gervais  for the inspiration and quotes.
P.S.S. Thank you David Crowder Band for the use of their title,"Everybody
wants to go to heaven, But nobody wants to die."
P.S.S.S. Here's a link to a song to listen to while reading....God Bless!

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