Friday, June 13, 2014

Learnin' How To Die (An Introduction)

I remember driving in my car,beard blowing in the humid summer wind, when this song's turn came up to play on my Iphone. Its a song by the lovely Jon Foreman, and I have heard it before. But this time was different. The song's title is simple, yet it contains the essential ingredient in every Christian's daily life.  The song's title is,"Learning How To Die."
                                      I completely agree that every piece of music and literature is open to scrutiny and interpretation; This blog is a result of my interpretation of the title and the lyric content of the piece of music arranged by Mr. Foreman. The revelation I had was that anyone in this world can learn to live. But what is living? I see living as being a zombie. Breathing in oxygen as a lifeless, bland being. Listening and watching the latest and greatest in entertainment and news. Living is a dull thing to think about when you realize you do it for the remainder of you're 80+ years on earth, but what God proposed is so radical, it goes against everything on earth.
                                     Jesus says ,"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it." (Mark 8:35) Here Jesus is calling us to let go. He is pleading with us to lose everything that you have been taught by this world to do. To sacrifice (or even Crucify) your worldly self. Paul goes on to say," And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.(Galatians 5:24) As Christians, this is a daily practice and prayer that will transform everything about you.

                                   This Blog is here the sole purpose and teaching people how to die. I am (as the song title suggest), still learning how to die myself. I, and you will fail at this daily. But the defeat isn't when you fail, but it occurs when you quit struggling. When you finally let your flesh give into its instinct, and its desires. So there it is, my introduction to my first Blog. Come along for the journey God has called us to embark on daily.


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